Aluminium Windows Dorset Aluminium Windows in Dorset

Aluminium Windows Dorset Aluminium Windows in Dorset

We are a renowned Aluminium windows company operating in Dorset. We started over 20 years ago with the aim of adorning homes and commercial buildings with our high-quality, beautifully crafted aluminium windows. Over time, we have developed an extensive range of aluminium windows that can be used in various places and they come in unique designs. Our well-satisfied clients are a testimony to the high-quality aluminium we use for our windows. Our affordable aluminium windows come in a variety of dimensions and styles. Our aluminium windows are produced under the following guiding principles –

Unique Perfection

Windows can transform a home from something old and dilapidated to something fresh and modern in seconds and we don’t just make them for their function. We like to make windows unique. By using cutting-edge technology, we design and make windows that give your home a soul. The trusted mark of quality is ingrained into every aluminium window frame and panel that we build.

Bespoke Design

In every window that Aluminium Windows Dorset makes, appreciation for beauty shines through. Our craftsmen have a taste for art and it shows in their designs. Our windows are designed to add character to all types of buildings from homes to offices and commercial plazas.

Remarkable skills

Our technicians have years of experience in delivering quality products. The competence of our work can be seen all throughout the planning, design, creation, and installation processes. You can be assured that we will remain professional and work with minimum disruptions to you at all times through the use of the latest technologies. Many a home in Dorset have a mark of our quality aluminium windows.

First-rate Customer Service

Professionalism and artistry are not the only things that set us apart. We have trained every member of our staff in the art of customer service. We ensure your satisfaction at every step of production. We will listen to what you need, provide you with regular updates throughout the process and advise about maintenance. We make sure you are aware of the progress of your project.

Our Dorset Aluminium Window Services

At Aluminium Windows Dorset, we provide a range of aluminium windows and installation services to you. Our aluminium windows are beautifully designed and are sturdy enough to suit your homes as well as offices.

Aluminium Bi-Fold Window Services

At Aluminium Windows Dorset, we have bi-fold windows to open your indoors to the outer surroundings. Our bi-fold windows are built using high-quality steel and foam-wrapped compression seals, giving you the durability you deserve. Features included with Bi-Fold Windows –

  • Rollers, hinges and handles made from superior quality stainless steel.
  • Flush locks to secure the windows.
  • Foam-wrapped PVC compression seals.
  • Installation of head and sill tracks.

We allow you to choose from several glazing options and dimensions to suit your requirements. You can choose from plain or bar glazed glass designs, a range of colours and configurations that go with your building. Our lovely aluminium windows will make you home in Dorset stand out.

Aluminium made Awning Windows

If you reside in tropical climate or you love having fresh air in your home, awning windows will allow for ventilation even during rains. To make our aluminium windows safe from windy and rainy weather, they are high hinged and properly sealed. They provide good ventilation in all kinds of weather, all year round. Aluminium awning windows feature –

  • A lockable chain winder made of stainless steel.
  • A foldaway handle with the chain winder to keep the shades away.
  • Weatherproofed by foam-wrapped seals.
  • Like other Dorset clients, you have the choice to have your aluminium windows glazed.
  • You can also have your windows protected by insect safety screens.
  • There are various plain glass or bar glazing designs available to choose from.

Aluminium Casement Windows

Casement windows are another great way of getting fresh air into the home. You can adjust the casement windows according the airflow outside. Friction is normally used to keep casement windows open, but with Aluminium Windows Dorset we give you the option of having a smooth and heavy duty iron winder. You can also opt for a matching interior aluminium insect screen to keep the bugs out while letting the fresh air in. Aluminium casement windows feature –

  • A key locked cam-catch for weather protection.
  • Better ventilation through wide opening window panes.
  • Window seals covered with foam to avoid permeability.
  • You can select from different types of glazing, plain or bar glazed glass and several window configurations.

Aluminium Double Hung Windows

Double hung windows by Aluminium Windows Dorset are another great option for ventilation. With double windows, you have more control over the amount of air that comes in at a particular time. Aluminium Windows Dorset aluminium windows are fitted with adaptable spring balances to making opening and closing easier. Features.

  • Adjustable spiral balances that can be easily operated
  • Pressure sealing and key lockable cam-catch for enhanced protection against weather conditions.
  • Interlocks for sturdiness.
  • Detachable insect screens that can be removed from the inside.
  • You can either have plain windows or choose to have them glazed.
  • You can also choose from a range of standard or custom colours.

Aluminium Sliding Windows

Sliding aluminium windows from Aluminium Windows Dorset provide slim, modest frames in which to view the streets of Dorset. Good quality seals and performance glass protect your home against harsh weather conditions. Or, slide the window sideways using the minimum-friction nylon roller and let the sun shine in.


  • interlocks to enhance your window’s strength
  • Height key locks that are easily adjustable
  • Sealing around the frame for weatherproofing
  • Removable insect protection screens

Aluminium Window Manufacturing Process at Aluminium Windows Dorset

Aluminium Windows Dorset helps you design the aluminium windows according to taste. We start by listening to your requirements during an initial consultation process. We take our findings back to our strategy board and hash out the plans. It is after then, we move to the development and installation stages. During each stage Aluminium Windows Dorset keeps you in the loop to ensure you are satisfied with the progress so far. Contact us with the following address to book a discussion session.

Contact Details –

Website address –
Name of Contact – Karen King
Company – Aluminium Windows Dorset
Phone Number – 0800 772 0298
Company Email –

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