Aluminium Windows Sussex Aluminium windows in Sussex

Aluminium Windows Sussex Aluminium windows in Sussex

In Sussex, we are a well-known Aluminium windows company. We were founded over 20 years ago and our purpose both then and now is to provide the people of Sussex with beautiful, quality, aluminium windows that are made to last. Our aluminium windows are designed distinctively to suit your requirements. Our aluminium windows are regarded by clients worldwide for being made from high-quality raw materials. We manufacture aluminium windows of different styles and designs at a modest price. We follow these simple guidelines when producing aluminium windows –

Excellence and Precision

Windows are so much more than just a pane of glass and can be created for more than just their functional use. We also give our windows character. We use ground-breaking technology to provide you with windows that enhance the character of your home. We ensure that each window designed and manufactured by us meets high-quality standards.

Beautiful Design

Every window manufactured by Aluminium Windows Sussex is a testimony of our creativity and artistry. Our technicians are artists in their own right and our designs convey that quality in them. Whether it is for a residential home or a commercial one in Sussex, we have specialised aluminium windows that will fit beautifully into any property space created for windows.

Quality Craftsmanship

Our skilled and experienced craftsmen are dedicated to delivering quality work. Throughout the whole process from planning to installation, you can be assured that we will always work to a high standard. You can be assured that we will remain professional and work with minimum disruptions to you at all times through the use of the latest technologies. Many homes in the Sussex are lucky enough to have our quality aluminium windows installed.

Customers are Number 1

Our service would not be complete with professionalism and craftsmanship alone. We are proud to announce that every member of staff has received training in the art of customer service. We manufacture aluminium windows for you, and so, we make sure that you are pleased with our service. This involves listening at the initial stages, providing regular updates during production and counselling at the time of maintenance. You will always know what is going on with the progress of your project.

Our Aluminium Window Services in Sussex

At Aluminium Windows Sussex, we are specialists at supplying aluminium windows and installation services. Aluminium windows can help transform any home or office.

Aluminium Bi-Fold Windows

At Aluminium Windows Sussex, we offer quality bi-fold windows that are perfect for getting in touch with the outdoor environment. Our bi-fold windows are built to last using high-quality stainless steel and foam-wrapped compression seals. Feature include –

  • Good value stainless steel rollers, hinges and handles
  • Flush locks for stability.
  • In between the sashes and the window frames, we install PVC compression seals.
  • Head and sill tracks for effortless gliding.

We have a wide range of glazing choices, including flexible configuration options to a maximum width of 5.7m. You can chose from a variety of window type configurations and we also have different styles of glass to choose from including, plain, designed, or coloured. Our uniquely designed bi-fold windows will give a character to your home in Sussex.

Awning Windows made of Aluminium

Awning windows are great for tropical climates or just those who like a little fresh air as it can be used even in adverse weather. To make our aluminium windows safe from windy and rainy weather, they are high hinged and properly sealed. Our aluminium awning windows will allow for ventilation during any season. Aluminium awning windows feature –

  • Key lockable chain winder made from stainless steel.
  • Chain winder complete with folding handle to tie up blinds.
  • Weatherproofed by foam-wrapped seals.
  • Sometimes our clients in Sussex prefer varnishing their aluminium windows.
  • We can also install an interior aluminium insect safety screen for protection.
  • Our aluminium awning windows come with plain glass as well as various bar glazing designs to suit your taste.

Aluminium Casement Window Services

A clever way to channel fresh air into your home by using casement windows. All you need to do is make a little adjustment to leverage the changing airflows. Unlike other casement windows that remain open due to friction, Aluminium Windows Sussex allows you to opt for a heavy duty iron winder for smooth functioning. Matching interior aluminium insect-screens guarantees that air comes in and bugs remain out. Aluminium casement window features include –

  • Key lockable cam-catch offers a pressure seal for improved weatherproofing.
  • Allows maximum ventilation by opening at a 90 degree angle.
  • Protection from weather conditions through foam-wrapped seals.
  • You can select from different types of glazing, plain or bar glazed glass and several window configurations.

Double Hung Aluminium Windows

Aluminium Windows Sussex double windows are great for getting fresh air into your home. By allowing you to open the top sash for two of them at the same time, it gives you total control over the amount of air you let in at a particular time. You can open and close the top stashes of Aluminium Windows Sussex windows seamlessly through adjustable spiral balances. Features Include –

  • Spiral balances that are adjustable and easy to operate
  • Pressure sealing and key lockable cam-catch for enhanced protection against weather conditions.
  • Increased durability through interlocks.
  • Removable insect screens to prevent bugs from entering through windows.
  • Like our other aluminium window designs in Sussex, you may choose to glaze or leave them plain.
  • There are also various colours available to choose from including both standard and custom colours

Aluminium Sliding Window Services

Aluminium Windows Sussex designs aluminium sliding windows with delicate and beautiful frames so that you can enjoy an outer view of Sussex. Good quality seals and performance glass protect your home against harsh weather conditions. Or, slide the window sideways using the minimum-friction nylon roller and let the sun shine in.

Features include –

  • Interlocks for extra strength
  • Easy-to-adjust height key locks
  • well-sealed frames for weather protection.
  • Screens that are easy to remove

Our Aluminium Window Service

At Aluminium Windows Sussex, we build windows right out of your imagination. We start by conducting an initial consultation session with you to listen to your requirements. We then set to work to devise a customized plan. Soon after, we commence development and installation. Our priority is to keep you well-informed through all stages to keep you satisfied. To set up a consultation, contact us with the address below –

Contact Details –

Website –
Contact – Donald White
Company – Aluminium Windows Sussex
Contact Number – 0800 772 0298
Email Address –

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